Friday, June 29, 2007

Tied hands (2006) - Dan Wolman

The excellent acting and script prevent the cliché-ridden storyline of a mother caring for her son dying of AIDS from getting soppy.

JewishJournal Coverage

A working Mom (2006) - Yaron Kaftori, Limor Pinhasov

A Bolivian immigrant returns home from Israel after 15 years to realize the she and her family have changed irredeemably, for better or worse.

To the Black sea (2007) - Shahar Segal

A soppy documentary about dolphins taken from semi-captivity in Israel to the Black Sea.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Things behind the Sun (2004) - Yuval Shafferman

"Little Miss Sunshine" looks like a copy, and this the original. It's just that the grandpa has no role, a lesbian sister replaces the gay uncle, and the overall tone of the film is quieter, less Hollywoodish.

Keep not silent (2004) - Ilil Alexander

Ilil Alexander’s debut film documents the clandestine struggle of three women fighting for their right to love within their Orthodox communities in Jerusalem. All three are pious, religiously committed women. All three are lesbians, and members of a secret support group called the “Ortho-Dykes.”

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Balance (1989) - Christoph Lauenstein, Wolfgang Lauenstein

An Oscar-winning German stop-motion Animation short.

The old man and the sea (1999) - Alexander Petrov

An Oscar-winning, paint-on-glass animated short film based on the Hemingway novel.

Ryan (2004) - Chris Landreth

Oscar-winning animated documentary from Canada about the legendary animator Ryan Larkin.
Picture courtesy Prix Ars Electronica 2004 © Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, Impressum,

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wings of desire (1987) - Wim Wenders

When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions. Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn't life under the sun just a dream? Isn't what I see, hear, and smell just the mirage of a world before the world? Does evil actually exist, and are there people who are really evil? How can it be that I, who am I, wasn't before I was, and that sometime I, the one I am, no longer will be the one I am?

What is wrong with peace that its inspiration doesn't endure?

Are there still borders? More than ever! Every street has its borderline. Between each plot, there's a strip of no-man's-land disguised as a hedge or a ditch. Whoever dares, will fall into booby traps or be hit by laser rays. The trout are really torpedoes. Every home owner, or even every tenant nails his name plate on the door, like a coat of arms and studies the morning paper as if he were a world leader. Germany has crumbled into as many small states as there are individuals. And these small states are mobile. Everyone carries his own state with him, and demands a toll when another wants to enter. A fly caught in amber, or a leather bottle. So much for the border. But one can only enter each state with a password. The German soul of today can only be conquered and governed by one who arrives at each small state with the password. Fortunately, no one is currently in a position to do this. So... everyone migrates, and waves his one-man-state flag in all earthly directions. Their children already shake their rattles and drag their filth around them in circles.